Our Governors
Any queries should be directed to the Chair of the Governors, Bob Kenwrick or to Mr Stephen Vale, Clerk to the Governors, Reading School, Erleigh Road, Reading RG1 5LW
Email: govsclerk@reading-school.co.uk
The safeguarding governor for Reading School is Bob Kenwrick.
Karen Ross MBE
I was appointed as Governor in March, 2016 and sit on the Finance Committee, External Affairs and Pastoral Care (EXPC) Committee, the Disciplinary and the Admissions Committee, as well as the Head Master's Pay and Performance Committee. I am the link governor for History, English and British Values and the Prevent Anti Radicalisation Strategy. I retired from my role as Chief Executive, Relate Berkshire running counselling services to support couples, families, children and young people. Currently, I am the Diversity Champion on the Board of the County Sports Partnership known as Get Berkshire Active and volunteer as a mentor for the West Berkshire Education and Business Partnership. I was awarded the MBE for Services to Children and Families in 2015.