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Make a Donation

Reading School is a state secondary school and we have to fundraise for those aspects of our work that are not covered by our Department for Education funding. Our DfE funding covers the core cost of delivering the national curriculum, including salaries, teaching resources, lighting, heating and some basic maintenance. It does not cover the cost of major upgrades to school facilities, although we do apply for capital funds when these are available. DfE funding is not provided for the maintenance and conservation of our Grade II listed buildings which form the central part of the school buildings.  Moreover, it does not cover the cost of our essential co-curricular provisions through sports, expressive arts, clubs and societies or our character-building programmes through our Electives and Floreat provisions, which enable pupils to expand their range of skills and knowledge.  

All donations, no matter what size, are invaluable.  One-off donations can be given as set out below.


Ways of Giving:

Every contribution you make to Reading School makes a significant difference. You can support us in our mission to provide and maintain our co-curricular programme as well as
refurbishments of key areas by making a donation in one of the following ways:

Regular Gifts 

Regular gifts can be made by Standing Order on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis. Please see the details below to set up a Standing Order and email development@reading- to confirm your regular gift and record gift aid or matched funding.

Bank Lloyds TSB
Account Name: Reading School Charitable Fund
Sort Code: 30-67-99
Account No. 40733560
Reference: BFTF Fund and Pupil/OR name 

One-off Gifts 

Online click below: 

Reading School - Donate via Reading School Alumni Society

Reading School - Donate at (

Existing parents can also donate via My Child At School

Bank Transfer

If you would like to make your donation via bank transfer, please let the Society Office know of your gift so that we can record it properly and send you a thank you letter.  See details below.

Bank Lloyds TSB
Account Name: Reading School Charitable Fund
Sort Code: 30-67-99
Account No. 40733560
Reference: BFTF Fund and Pupil/OR name 
By Post

Cheques are made payable to "Reading School" and please address to the Society Office, Reading School.  If you qualify, please fill in the online Gift Aid Form as it enables us to reclaim 25p from HM Revenue and Customs for every £1 donated. 

Overseas Gifts 

Reading School welcomes supporters from all over the world and international bank transfers can be made using the following details:

Bank: Lloyds TSB
Swift/Bic Code: LOYDGB21716
IBAN: GB49 LOYD 3067 9940 7335 60
Account Name: Reading School Charitable Fund
Sort Code: 30-67-99
Account No. 40733560
Reference: Pupil/OR name "Year Group of year of leaving"

If you would like to make your donation via bank transfer, please let the Society Office know of your gift so that we can record it properly and send you a thank you letter.

Donors living in the USA can donate to Reading School and qualify for a US tax deduction by donating through the British Schools and Universities Foundation, Inc (BSUF). Reading School is registered with the BSUF, which is a charitable organisation recognised by the US Internal Revenue Service under Section 501 (c) (3). When asked to indicate the name of the Approved Institution you would like to benefit from your gift, please enter the words: ‘Reading School Charitable Fund’.  Click the link here to learn about the many way you can donate to support Reading School - Donate — British Schools & Universities Foundation (

Gifts of Assets, Shares and Securities 

Donations of any kind are valuable to Reading School, so thank you for your generous support.

Shares & Securities

Individuals can obtain a double form of tax relief by donating gifts of equities. The market value of the gift can be offset against any income tax liability and in addition, the gift would be exempt from any liability for Capital Gains Tax. For example, if you give Reading School £1,000 worth of shares, and you are a higher-rate taxpayer, you will pay £400 less in income tax that year.

Additionally, you will not have to pay any Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on any increase in the value of the shares since you bought them. This could mean a further saving. If shares you donate have gone down in value, you should be aware that you will not be able to use this loss to offset any other CGT liability you have.

As Reading School is unable to give you financial advice we would urge you to talk to your financial advisor about the tax implications of donating shares. Further guidance notes relating to the donation of shares, Securities and Assets are available from the Society Office. For more information, or to discuss any aspect of support, please see contact details below.


Reading School Foundation (Charity No. 294640) can accept gifts of assets, such as property, land or other objects which are not subject to Capital Gains Tax or Capital Transfer Tax. Donors may consider making a bequest of cash investments or other assets, all of which would be free of Capital Transfer Tax on death.

Tax relief can be claimed through donations of property when no interest in the property is retained. This can be through:

  • Income tax relief on the value of the donated property.

  • Exemption from capital gains tax on the increase in value of the donated property since first acquired, and reduced capital gains tax when property is sold at less than market value.

  • Exemption from inheritance tax.

Further guidance notes relating to the donation of shares, Securities and Assets are available from the Society Office. For more information, or to discuss any aspect of support, please contact details below.


If you decide to leave a legacy to Reading School, we would be grateful if you could notify us by completing the Legacy Gift Form. This is not a requirement but it does assist the School in its long term financial planning. If you have already made your Will it is simple to add a codicil by downloading this form. When making a bequest in your Will, please note that the beneficiary should be the Reading School Foundation, Registered Charity No 294640.

Money left to Reading School Foundation is also exempt from inheritance tax and may help reduce the overall amount tax that must be paid on your estate.

Changes made to the UK Inheritance Tax law 2012 could benefit your primary beneficiaries: by leaving 10% or more of your estate to charity, the inheritance tax payable on your net estate reduces from 40% to 36%.

Legacies of all size are always appreciated and School will never ask how much you have pledged, unless you wish to inform us so that the generosity of legacies can be recorded for annual reports and future planning. 

For more information, or to discuss any aspect of this further in confidence, please contact details below.

Making a Will is an important step and it is recommended that you seek independent professional legal advice.

Enhancing your Gift 

Gift Aid 

By gift aiding your contribution, we can reclaim an additional 25p for every £1, making your gift worth even more at no extra cost to you. Gift Aid is an invaluable source of ‘extra’ income. If you qualify, please complete the online Gift Aid Form as it enables us to reclaim 25p from HM Revenue and Customs for every £1 donated.

Higher-rate taxpayers donating through Gift Aid can claim back the difference between the higher rate of tax and the basic rate of tax on the total value of their donation to Reading School via their Self Assessment Form or ask HM Revenue & Customs to adjust your tax code.

We reclaim the tax by forwarding details of your gift to the Inland Revenue. The table below outlines the benefits of giving for higher-rate taxpayers.

If your circumstances or details change

Please notify us if you want to cancel this declaration, change your name or home address or no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains.

Matched Giving 

Match giving, or match funding is a simple way to maximise the donations you have raised/gifted to the school. In most cases, a company pledges to match a sum of money relating to the amount the employee has either raised or donated to a charity. As an exempt charity under Schedule 2 of the Charities Act 1993, your one-off or regular donations to the school could be increased by up to 100% in this way. In most cases, the company will match your donation pound for pound up to a specific level.

Banks, building societies, supermarkets and large corporations are likely to match funding, but these schemes are not exclusive to the major corporate giants. A match funding scheme can be adopted by any company, no matter how big or small. As part of their Corporate Social Responsibility programmes, many independent companies give through match funding too or may be interested in doing so. Check with your employer to see whether a scheme is already in place or if they would be willing to set one up.

Below is a list of companies (by no means exhaustive!) that we understand currently match gifts donated by employees. Please contact your HR or Corporate and Social Responsibility Department to confirm whether your company offers such a programme. 

If you can’t help at this time, but you know the company you work for has a match funding policy, please let us know. This could be a really large source of income for the school to cover essential costs.

Payroll Giving 

Under the Payroll Giving Scheme, employees can authorise their employer to deduct charitable donations from their pay before calculating the Pay As You Earn tax. This means that the employee automatically gets tax relief on donations at his or her top rate of tax. There is no limit on the amount that can be given under the scheme. To find out more about Payroll Giving and if your company operates the scheme, please contact your human resources department. For more information visit the HMRC Section on Payroll Giving.

Charity Status  

As an Academy, Reading School is an exempt charity under Schedule 2 of the Charities Act 1993.  We are also recognised as charitable by HM Customs and Revenue (HMRC Reference XT35863) and can reclaim Gift Aid on donations made by a UK taxpayer, provided the donor has paid an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for the tax year in which the gift was made, that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities s/he has supported will reclaim for the same period.


Jas Chhokar (Society Manager)


T: 0118 901 5600